Sunday 28 December 2014

Fashion Ilustration

I recently finished college, I'm now studying at university but whilst I was at college I was really interested in fashion and fashion illustrations.

I really enjoyed the tones and textures made by the watercolour's  I think their one of my favourite mediums they have an effortless feel to them, A really easy and fun medium to work with! Here is one of my illustrations, it was a design for a dress I was planning on making but decided to change my idea last minute as you do!

Kels xoxo

Saturday 27 December 2014

Flower Crown

I have huge love for anything flower related, Ive always had an unhealthy obsession with roses always drawing, painting and trying to include them into my work at college
(Trying to relate them to H.R.Giger was not easy!) 

I was asked as a project to create body adornment, something to wear upon the body and my first idea was...FLOWER CROWN. So I created one, This is entirely hand made by myself! (Sorry about the dodgy model, that's college for you!)

Kels xoxo

Saturday 24 May 2014

Lovely Lana

I absolutely love Lana Del Rey , I love her songs and vintage American style!(doesn't everybody?!) So I was inspired to paint her. I started this painting awhile ago I just never got round to finishing it... but its a start! ;)

In this painting I'm just using really cheap acrylics I picked up a set of 12 for like a quid!! (I Know! I'm such a cheapskate) It just goes to show you don't need reaaally expensive paints to get the best colour skin tones, as long as you take time with mixing and getting the desired colour!( layering colours is the best way)

I'm not by far a professional artist with tons of experience just practising and hopefully I can get this piece finished after all my college work is out the way.
I know I've hardly painted anything here sorry!

Kels xoxo


Thursday 22 May 2014

Rambling on, Introduction.

     A serious art enthusiast with a zest for life,thrives off creating and exploring crafts.
This is just a small summary of myself, Im 18 years old currently still at college im just finishing up my Diploma which is in an art&design crafts course.

I have created this blog to post various art work , DIY projects and my thoughts and opinions on everyday things. I enjoy reading blogs about beauty, fashion and d.i.y projects so I would also like to post reviews and
opinions on those aswell!

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and checking out my artwork, do not hestitate to comment everybody has an opinion and I would love for you to offer advice on how I can improve. If you are also new to blogger like myself I would be happy to check yours out and do the same for you!!

Thanks for dropping by 

Kels xoxo