Sunday 28 December 2014

Fashion Ilustration

I recently finished college, I'm now studying at university but whilst I was at college I was really interested in fashion and fashion illustrations.

I really enjoyed the tones and textures made by the watercolour's  I think their one of my favourite mediums they have an effortless feel to them, A really easy and fun medium to work with! Here is one of my illustrations, it was a design for a dress I was planning on making but decided to change my idea last minute as you do!

Kels xoxo

Saturday 27 December 2014

Flower Crown

I have huge love for anything flower related, Ive always had an unhealthy obsession with roses always drawing, painting and trying to include them into my work at college
(Trying to relate them to H.R.Giger was not easy!) 

I was asked as a project to create body adornment, something to wear upon the body and my first idea was...FLOWER CROWN. So I created one, This is entirely hand made by myself! (Sorry about the dodgy model, that's college for you!)

Kels xoxo